The gift of more time! 25% off extended until Sunday night!









Embark on an alchemical journey with the Earth and emerge as one of the most well-trained stone medicine practitioners in the world.


Enter The Cave only takes place once a year.

The enrollment period is 7 days only.

You're right on time.

See through the eyes of an ancient tradition of stone medicine and embody a personal shift in consciousness


Your experience culminates in a sacred process of becoming a Certified Stone and Crystal Medicine Practitioner.

As polarity mounts at the end of a great cycle, nothing is a guarantee.

You may now be hearing the call to rely more deeply on yourself, finally surrender to the authority of your own heart, and unshakably stand in your own connection with what is Holy. 

It’s time to focus on the things that keep you awake, because you know you have something special - and you really actually do. 

How are you going to cut through the growing distractions and summon up who you are and what you’re here to carry? 

What will be the thing that draws out your power?

To access your strength and bring forward your gifts of service, remember that you're not alone.

You are a part of vast lineages and you matter inside of them. 

Together we’ll summon your ancestors to stand at your back, to face the challenges ahead together, and make you more potent and capable than you ever could be alone.

Does this sound like something better than choosing a simple online crystal course?

It is.

This is a chance to commit to a process that will keep you wide awake. 

The stones stand ready to reflect to you the one true magical tool:


I was supported in a sacred container allowing for expansive knowledge, healing and integration.

Enter The Cave is the class the stones want to be shared through.

It reflects Sarah’s high level of cultivation and gifted nature as a spiritual teacher.”

~ S.K., Jewelry Artist,
Enter the Cave Graduate

The way Sarah teaches is so full of passion and deep spiritual knowledge.

It gave me something well beyond what I was expecting. 

I also now have invaluable insights and information about stones and minerals to help my health, to help others and the earth.” 

~ K.R., Healer,
Enter the Cave Graduate

Sarah and the stones created such an inviting, non-judgemental space and I really felt encouraged to open to what I am being called to do. 

I am creating medicine, and feel I can work with the stones to help me do this.” 

 ~ S.L. Life-long stone lover,
Enter the Cave Graduate

A rare opportunity to enroll in one of the most transformational stone medicine trainings on earth. 


This live, online certification training was designed to share the wisdom of 27 stones according to Daoist texts and beyond while guiding you through a ceremonial progression of personal awakening. 

 In This CAVE, You Will...

Study from centuries-old masters and teachers - the largest body of stone knowledge from any ancient culture - and watch yourself transform into one of the most well-trained stone healers on Earth.

Enter the ceremony of the 9-week progression and experience a personal shift that leads to true embodiment of this path. Now you can walk with more congruence and carry an integrated wisdom of the stones. 

Watch your world transform as you weave the poetry of the stones into your healing, rituals, Earthwork, medicines, and your sacred everyday life. Witness your contribution to the world transform!

Grab 30 CEUs from NCCAOM while you’re at it! (National Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Board in the U.S.)


Crystal Healers


Energy Healers

Distance Healers



Craniosacral Therapists

Crystal Grid Workers

Psychics & Readers

NEW Healers

Medical Qi Gong Practitioners

Reiki Practitioners


ALL other Souls of Service

...the medicine chooses you.

If the stones and crystals are calling,

here is your moment to listen.

Imagine having tools like these:

-Sugilite 3-Point Protocol for Illumination of Spiritual Path

-Creation of a living personal journal of stone medicine

-How to Build a Daoist Magic Circle

-Transformational and alchemical weekly Medicine Questions

-How to safely and effectively create powerful stone elixirs

-Acquire an entire system of classifications and knowledge

-Refinement of the Mirrors Chakra Protocol

-Deep dive into transformational 5-element ancient knowledge

-Wisdom of the Holographic Overlay Mystical Practice

-Creation of Ceremonial and Initiatory Elixir Formulas

-Experience the Emerald Heart Diagnostic Practice

-The Creation of a whole-home Purification Grid

-Formulas for Heart/Kidney Axis Grid Treatments

-Creation of Resurrection Elixirs

-Methods for activation of stones

-So many more methods, formulas and practices. All of this is just a sample!


-Formulas for Ritual Stone Gathering Baths

-The creation of Dreaming Crystal Grids

-Methods for placing crystals in earth gridwork and land healing

-Sulfur Protocol for Powerful Karmic Cleansing

-Practice for Transmutation of 6 Generational of Ghosts

-Ancestral Clearing and Blood Cleansing Protocols

-Total Daoist Materia Medica -  spiritual and physical applications of all 27 stones

Everything comes together to give you these practical tools of service:

The Elixir Application:
Stone Medicine we place IN the Body

You'll learn what the word elixir really means, how to make potent stone elixirs, how to make effective formularies, how to dose, important safety instructions, how to make ceremonial elixirs, how to merge elixirs with other Earth medicines, and more.

 The Poultice Application:
Stone Medicine we place ON the Body

You'll learn how to work with jewelry, rubs, salves, the creation of on-the-body treatments, crystal healing and more.



 The Vibrational Application:
Stone Medicine we place AROUND the Body

You'll learn the dynamics of table-top crystal grids, the potential of large land grids, raising the vibration of space, working with stones as spectrum-based beings, internal alchemy, journey techniques, and more.


The entire training means so much to me.

I loved the mix of form and format. Sarah is a great teacher and communicator.

She is very grounded and conveys the information so clearly and effortlessly.

Love her voice, tone and positive energy."

~ Darlene, Enter the Cave Graduate

I have noticed my heart is more open.

I'm more compassionate and understanding of things I didn’t seem to be before.

I love the stone treatments and can see how they work so quickly on several of my clients.”

~ Teresa Sutton Sherrill, LMT and Reiki Practitioner, Enter the Cave Graduate

This is truly the most magical training.

I've taken other crystal courses and I learned things, and perhaps they were preparatory,

but they were no comparison to the value of this training.”  

~ Julene Passmore, Integrative Skincare and Sound, Enter the Cave Graduate

The Profound Step-by-Step, Expert-Designed System to Become Certified in Stone & Crystal Medicine.

The Format of Your Training

Enter The Cave is a 9-Week LIVE Online Training Program

Every Tuesday you'll sit down for a 75 minute live online lecture with Sarah and your fellow stone medicine students.

In the live lecture, inspiring stories of stone medicine awakenings and revelations from many traditions will be shared. You'll also learn about the ceremonial process for your week ahead, how to open that process with the stones, and take part in a weekly divination.

On Wednesdays we'll open the vast archives of the stones with live materia medica classes and Q&A with Sarah.

And you'll get access to two recorded materia medica classes you can watch on your own time.

You only have to focus on only 3 stones per week 2 recorded + 1 live per week.

Everything is uploaded into the Enter The Cave Portal. You can enjoy any class at any time of the week if you can't attend live.

Your training bridges the best of many worlds. You'll experience:

1. The magic of live lectures

2. The space and self-pacing of recorded lectures

3. Archives of all of it - to return to for life

Enter The Cave begins on September 24th.

By the end of 9-weeks, you'll have full knowledge of a 27-Stone Materia Medica. The potential for healing and helping others is limitless.

I've stepped into my power.

Enter the Cave has been a deep and mystical descent into my heart.

A nourishing well-spring of wisdom, knowledge and mystery that I will come home to over and over again." 

~ Enter the Cave Graduate

This class has helped me become a better Practitioner by having more knowledge in what stone to use with what situation.

I feel more confident in adding stones to other modalities that I offer in my Practice."

~ Najah Abdus-Salaam,
Enter the Cave Graduate

Now I have a beautiful Materia Medica of 27 amazing stones.

Through your teaching, I know that all I have to do is tune into spirit, listen, and communicate and I will be shown the way.

I am awakening, and on my own path."

~ Enter the Cave Graduate

Introducing the Full Materia Medica for Enter The Cave:


Each time I have enrolled in one of Sarah’s classes I walk away knowing I was meant to learn more and more from her.

I will admit I felt anxiety as I was making the financial commitment but my heart knew I was meant to follow this path. So I pushed that fear aside, and I am so grateful that I did.

Sarah has a gift at being able to give so much information and make it feel digestible.

She passes this ancient wisdom along and adds her personal experiences and knowledge and throws in some humor and it all just lands perfectly. Sarah’s lectures and teachings are so much better than any other classes I’ve taken previously.

I am finishing this course with a greater confidence in myself and feel like I am walking the path meant for me.

~ Kris Caissie, Enter the Cave Graduate

A Glimpse at the Weekly Ceremonial Progression:

Week 1: Self-Love

with Hematite, Sunstone and Rose Quartz

Week 2: Integrity

with Mica, Clear Quartz and Obsidian

Week 3: Purification

with Serpentine, Smoky Quartz and Green Tourmaline

Week 4: Initiation

with Morganite, Moonstone and Emerald


Week 5: Transformation
with Sulfur, Kyanite and Malachite


Week 6: Heart/Kidney Communication
with Labradorite, Sugilite and Aquamarine


Week 7: Resurrection
with Opal, Watermelon Tourmaline and Azurite


Week 8: Gathering
with Citrine, Rhodocrosite and Garnet


Week 9: Oneness
with Ruby, Cinnabar and Jade

This course changed my life in a multitude of ways.

And, to be in a whole community of supportive, talented, incredible people who truly see each other might have even been my favorite part.

Gaining a deeper and more personal connection with the stones was an added bonus of the transformation that came with this amazing group's collective journey."

~ P.F., Enter the Cave Graduate

I LOVED it all!

I enjoyed the form & formats for all the materials during our 9-week class time.

The mix of knowledge, wisdom & life experiences with Stone Medicine applications & the individual wisdom from the stones was captivating.

Sarah was a delight as well as a well-informed & factual instructor!"

~ Mary McAuliffe, Enter the Cave Graduate

The tuition does not even begin to pay for what I have received from this.

These courses are not just another stone or crystal course. They heal my soul and spirit.

I would have spent more in other courses that do not compare."

~ Josie Beung, DVM, Enter the Cave Graduate

Here's my promise to you:

You can immerse yourself at zero risk.

Watching students grow for so many years, I've learned this:

To get the most out of a transformational training like this, you need an investment and an immersion.

You have to take a plunge. To make it even easier for you to jump, I've created a full refund guarantee on this training.

If you're unhappy with your enrollment for any reason simply email us by September 25th. This is the day after our first live class.

You can enroll now, let the pot begin to stir, come to our first live lecture, and still receive a full refund if needed.

When we begin our first class, the reason you're really here deepens and becomes activated, so we do have to seal the cave door after that evening.

If you decide you need to go, Jessica, your course assistant, will be right there. She will immediately refund your entire investment in full. We will also thank you for giving it a try. We are right on the other side of this email address: [email protected].

You can enroll in this journey with absolutely zero risk.

I learned an ancient craft that I felt I was supposed to learn in this lifetime.

I resonated with the way Sarah teaches. She was very clear and her passion for this work shows in her teaching.

The information for each stone was laid out perfectly.
The layout of the live and recorded courses was just perfect for my busy lifestyle.

My goal in this life is to help others to heal.

I feel like what I learned will help me heal others in a profound deep way. 

~ Angi Colling, Enter the Cave Graduate


You get so many bonuses when you enroll!

When you Enter the Cave, all of these treasures are yours:




Each year we offer two, one-of-a-kind masterclasses for our community - one in the spring and one in the winter. Past Masterclasses have included:

> Stones For The Heart
> Holographic Maps & Distance Healing
> The ABCs of Record Keeper Crystals

And many more!

These are offered LIVE and are available for purchase for $220.

Bonus #1

10% off the entire Enter the Cave Collection at the Clarity Crystal Shop

This is a gift to all new Enter the Cave students from all of our staff at The Clarity Crystal Shop. About two years ago, we created this shop for our students. The intention behind it is that students always have easy access to the most powerful and medicinal stones in the world- the stones I use in my own work. It's hard to put a value on the Siberian azurite, rainbow obsidian or Hurricane Mountain mica we collected for your journey ahead. But, listen carefully: These stones are optional. You don't have to purchase any. You can purchase from anywhere else you like. They are not included in your tuition because it's all your choice and different students want different things. The stones we have prepared for you in the Enter the Cave Collection are carefully curated to match you and elevate you in this course process. They will keep you sharp in your tools while you're getting sharper in your studies. This is not a one-shopping-cart situation here. You have 10% off for the whole course, on over 4,700 stones, anytime you enter the shop. When you enroll, you’ll receive a guide on how to accurately gather what you need for the course. We do have limited supplies because we carry some of the best and most rare healing stones on Earth.

Bonus #2

Supportive, Private, and Helpful Online Community

This is simply a connective portal where you can send and receive messages, questions and photos with other students in the training. You won't have to scroll through tons of posts or get dinged constantly with notifications building up. You can jump onto the page anytime you want, and ask your fellow stone friends anything: "Hey, when is that special live lecture this week?" or "Where did Sally say she was getting those special rose quartz from?

And, you can show them what you’re up to: "Check out this grid I made in my yard!" (insert your interesting photo). This way, you’ll know people’s names, have real connections and support, and it won’t be overwhelming. Feels better, right? And, once you graduate, we'll move you to a graduates only private group where the connection can continue as long as you like. The student support you receive in this training is excellent, but there’s nothing like the support of all the kindred souls in the cave.

Bonus #3

Live Special Topic Class 

Towards the end, when you’re right on the brink of becoming a certified stone medicine and crystal healing practitioner, you’ll start to (excitedly) ponder the practical steps ahead. In Becoming a Healer, we’ll sit down together in our casual Friday attire and answer some of the most important questions on your radar. You’ll learn what to call yourself, how to practice safely and ethically, how to create forms, how to speak about your work, and some practice building tips. Experienced practitioners from many modalities will guide the less experienced. The best part of the class is our exploration of healing itself. I’ll share the most clarifying and revealing questions I ask my patients, several ways to incorporate stones and apothecaries into your practice, and most importantly… what really makes people heal. Everything comes together. 

 Bonus #4

Live Special Topic Class

Okay, boring title for a lecture, but it’s camouflage for some mind-blowing information. Once you see the stones from this perspective, you can never unsee it!  This is a walk-through of ancient Daoist Stone Medicine, starting way back at the beginning. So many lightbulbs will turn on as we explore elixirs, historical stories, classifications (like color, temperature and crystal system), and so much more. I only share this lecture with serious students and we’ll go through it together live. This will be an extremely eye-opening evening. It happens very early in the course and it sets the stage for every single revelation that follows. Have you heard of the Primordial Sovereign of the Purple Void? Well, you’ll know her after this.

Bonus #5

Masterclass Recording

The recording to our opening Masterclass for Enter the Cave this year expires on Thursday September 22nd. We can’t keep it up forever. But, when you enroll in Enter the Cave, we will add it to your online curriculum and you’ll always have it there, for life.

I LOVED the way Sarah led us in a group ceremony at the beginning of each live class.

I could really feel like I was there with everybody, like we were really sitting around a fire learning from the ancient stories like humans have for all time. 

It was nice to have such a diverse group all learning this together."

~ K.T., Enter the Cave Graduate

What I loved the most was the harmonious balance between the Tuesday night classes, the live interactions, the Materia Medica, and the hands-on practices.

Having them all intertwined throughout this journey, and including the Daoist perspective, allowed for a deep/rich/comprehensive understanding and healing experience.

I am sooooooo happy that I took the plunge!" 

~ C.S., Enter the Cave Graduate

As a brand new student to stone medicine I found this to be the most fulfilling learning experience I have ever had.

Sarah is a natural teacher with vast knowledge of stone medicine.

The format and times of classes were perfect and accessing our materials was seamless and easy."

~ B akkoul, Enter the Cave Graduate

OK, Let's recap.

When you enroll in Enter The Cave you receive:

> Over 18 inspiring live classes

> Over 18 take-at-your-own pace stone medicine classes

> A full training in a 27-stone materia medica

> All of the rituals

> All of the protocols

> The accompanying PDFs

> The video and audio replays for life

> A COMPLETE personal transformation through an ancient ceremonial progression -and you become one of the most knowledgeable certified stone medicine practitioners on Earth.

Over $20,000 in Value




FREE Access to our Winter Masterclass ($220 value) >>> THIS BONUS EXPIRES ON SEPTEMBER 22ND!

10% off ALL Enter The Cave stones in our crystal shop for over 9 weeks (value varies)
We gathered this stunning collection specifically for this new 2024 class.

Becoming a Healer ($575 value)
A live class with Sarah just as you're about to graduate- all about the practical and spiritual path ahead as a certified practitioner

Stone Medicine Fundamentals ($575 value)
A live training for certification students only that opens your eyes to the heart and foundation of these ancient practices

Secrets of The Rainbow Crystalline Grid Masterclass Recording ($220 value)
The replay of this masterclass and the digital support materials to keep for life.

Private Community Group for this Training (priceless!)
You can pop into Mighty Networks and connect with your new classmates from around the world. In an easy, non-obtrusive format, you'll be able to ask questions, be inspired, share your experiences, and feel connection.

30 Continuing Education Credits from NCCAOM
Your PE-CW credits are fulfilled through Stone Medicine! NCCAOM is the National Commission Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

Personal Document of Stone Medicine Certification
When you graduate, you'll receive a wall certificate of your new credentials for your home or office.

Over $21,590 in Value!

(plus some priceless connections!)

The gift of more time! 25% off extended until Sunday night!









I have always loved and enjoyed working with Crystals and I was immediately drawn to Sarah's class.

I am so happy and proud to listen to my intuition about doing this course, as I really resonate with Sarah and some of the people in the class. 

I feel my relationship to my Crystals are heightened and my respect and love for them has deepened.

Even when I wear my Crystals jewelry, they are not just pretty body ornaments, they are performing a task as I am wearing it.  

~ Magali Frederic, Creative Soul, Enter the Cave Graduate

It's time to choose from your heart.

You can give yourself the gift of an extraordinary experience.

Right now, you can enroll now and learn something that was always meant to awaken your heart.

You can choose to use this knowledge to help others wake up, too.

You'll also be smart...taking a training that's not just floating in the wind, but backed by centuries of ancient lineage and master teachers.

You'll be growing in yourself and growing in service.

Most importantly, you'll be answering the call from within.

Only goodness comes from that.


You can let the mind reign. You can let doubts and fears take over, and let this pass you by.

You'll have to keep your eye out for other trainings, but none of them will offer you what's waiting for you here.

In the meantime, you would miss so many chances to learn, grow, connect, listen and serve. You would miss synchronicities, and the river of medicine that's flowing for you right now.

These things can never be recreated. And the world doesn't have much time to wait for the next evolution of you.

What's your choice, dear friend?
Listen from within and follow the guidance, because the boulder will soon be rolled back over the opening of the cave.

Your Instructor

Sarah Thomas, LAc

Founder and Lead Instructor at Upper Clarity Stone Medicine

Sarah Thomas, BS, MAc, LA, NCCAOM Dipl. is a healer, acupuncturist and educator with over fifteen years of clinical and academic experience with Daoist stone medicine.

Sarah owns Clarity Acupuncture in Asheville, NC, where she has performed over 10,000 acupuncture and crystal hybrid treatments, and offered countless soul-touching stone placements, formulas, and ritual prescriptions with stones.

Sarah developed North Carolina's first Studies in Mineral Healing Program at the Appalachia School of Holistic Herbalism, teaches yearly at Earth Medicine conferences across the U.S., and certifies "stonalists" across the world in thriving online certifications programs rooted in an ancient Daoist tradition. Sarah is absolutely devoted to ongoing studies with master teachers from multiple traditions. If there was such a thing as a doctorate in Stone Medicine, Sarah would have 3 of them! (we'll get there).

Sarah's own Dao is to resurrect the vast knowledge and uncharted potentials of healing and awakening with stones. Sarah founded the Upper Clarity School of Stone Medicine so people just like you can experience a giant evolutionary leap in healing and awakening with stones. And then, lead the way forward.

Your student support:
Jessica Sparks-Mussulin

Teacher Assistant and Coordinator of Student Success

Jessica is that right-hand person we all need. (Here she is rockhounding). She's our glue, our spreadsheet master, our master of the technical and the practical. She's a long-time stone medicine practitioner, a long-time educator, manager of our crystal shop, and your assistant in your certification training. She is lightning fast, kind, an expert in stones, and in everything we offer including Enter the Cave. She will help you in all the ways she can. She's our rock. Email her with any questions or concerns, starting now if you need to! She's at [email protected].

"Stones provide the laboratory for all possibilities. Stones do what plants can not do. 

Whenever you can not find an answer, you can always find it deeper in Earth."

– Ge Hong, Father of Chinese Stone Medicine

The gift of more time! 25% off extended until Sunday night!









“I loved everything about this experience.”

“It was a wonderful course, worth every penny and I've recommended Sarah as a Stone Medicine teacher to 3 of my dear friends. She really has a gift as a teacher!” - A.C.

“I am forever changed. I was given access, like a gift, to a deeper communication with that part of myself that transcends time.” 

“Whenever I leave a call or recording, I am filled with hope and a deeper sense of knowing myself.” - R.P.

“I loved how approachable the teachings were. This experience felt authentic and heart led." - G.M.S.

“What I learned is so exciting. And, the results are unbelievably powerful and wonderful.”

“This was a masterfully created environment of wisdom, journeying and love.”

“I love the way Sarah teaches!” - C.F.

"I felt the stones coming alive and it felt like remembering something I had once known and loved.” - J.D.

"So thrilling and exceeded my expectations. The transformation I've experienced is priceless.”

“This course met me right where I am.” - L.J.

“I never knew stones were THIS special. My intention for these 9 weeks was to find me, to know myself, to come back home. And I have.”

“In only 9 weeks, I'm in a whole new universe of possibility.” -T.T.

“Seriously, this class has been the easiest, deepest, and most transformational program I've ever experienced!!!”

“What a safe space. And, for the investment I made, I feel like I was flooded with unique and useful information."

"I've gained a most valuable vault of tools and practices that I will never forget and that I will use on a regular basis. I've found this intensely awesome and powerful." - Rebecca

“I gained so much confidence in giving treatments and making elixirs. This really helped me move forward in my own healing, spiritual growth, and my practice.” - Bill

“My transformation is almost hard to put into words. I feel like I'm beginning to get a deeper understanding of myself.” - Andrea

“I feel much more connected to my crystals and like I’m on the right path as a healer, from this experience.” - F.D.

“This class has me all inspired again.” - M.L.

"Week ONE paid for this course. I had the most beautiful ancestral healing after building a grid with the week one stones. These shifts are miracles.” - Ali

“I’m still a beginner but the foundation you lay down in this class is such a springboard to learn more and go further!”

“I deepened my trust in my own intuition and tuned in to my own sacredness.”

“I fully love everything about the teachings and the format. I love that I can be a part of this and learn from afar. I love how everything is conveyed and the depth of the information and knowledge.” - Ana

“I feel like I have come back to myself in a huge way through these 9 weeks.” - S.R.

“The experience was just what was needed in this moment.” - Teresa

Frequently Asked Questions

The gift of more time! 25% off extended until Sunday night!









Upper Clarity educational environments are free of invisible boundaries.

This class is for everyone who is passionate about stones, healing and awakening.
No previous trainings or healing paths are required.
We're proud to offer space that is free of invisible boundaries throughout race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or age.
Welcome to all who are remembering.


© Upper Clarity School of Stone Medicine and Sarah Thomas, LAc