Register to Join Us

50% of every registration will be donated to Water Protector Legal Collective.

Live Online Ceremony with Marna Whaleheart on the Lion's Gate!

Join us for the creation of ch’allay, miraculous healing waters, from your own home. 

In this live online ceremony, you will be guided by the beautiful and powerful Marna Whaleheart in the ceremonial creation of ch’allay, which is a holy water with Divine powers for healing, spiritual resurrection, land healing, water healing and more. 

With the proper ceremony and the added power of this group from around the world, we will summon Divine and miraculous powers into waters we collect from our unique local areas. 

The 8:8:8 alignment of the Lion’s Gate portal will lend the Divine star frequencies of Oneness, Unity and extraordinary world-wide healing.

Marna Whaleheart is a Wu of the Andean mystical lineages and will facilitate the ceremony.

Ch’allay can be used for healing the physical temple/ body, the emotional temple/ body, and the psychological temple/ body. 

It can be used for all kinds of ailments, challenges and sicknesses, even the most challenging ones to heal. 

Receive this great blessing as we align with Sirius!

This ceremony is an opportunity to experience complete and total love and weave that into the fabric of Nature and the heart of your reality. 

Ch'allay is also specifically used to support children in their relationship and integration with 5D - the realms of the soul, spirit and dreamtime. As well as to help adults have gentle processes at night, in sleep, in dreamtime and in their own 5D experiences. 

Like holy water, it can be used to sprinkle on beds, other places in the home, offered to the four directions and in healing sessions. 

It can also be used in rituals of alchemy such as making herbal or stone medicine, offering to restore or heal land, animals, or the waters of Mother Earth. 

You will be shown how to multiply your own ch’allay to make more of it. The magic is infinite.

Register now to join us in the live ceremony on the Lion's Gate.

August 8th at 6pmET/ 3pmPT

50% of every registration is donated to Water Protector Legal Collective.

I’d like to attend!

I know that $44 of my registration will be donated to the Water Protector Legal Collective.

Register for $88

I'd like to attend and donate an extra $20!

I know that $64 of my registration will be donated to the Water Protector Legal Collective.

Register for $108

Answers to your questions:

Are there other good organizations who are protecting water that I can support?

YES. Look these up:


Let us choose again to create this new earth together.