Sarah Thomas 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to episode 36 of the Crystal Clarity Podcast. I'm here with Fang and myself and all my plants and stones. My name is Sarah Thomas. I'm an acupuncturist and stone medicine practitioner and healer, and I'm here today in episode 36 to bring you some information, actually, about soul retrieval. And I want to talk about the absolute fundamentals of soul retrieval. The first grade layer of soul retrieval, just the foundation of soul retrieval, which is about simply summoning the soul and the spirit back into form, back into the body and back into present time. So today's episode is, in a way, in a really general way. It's about grounding, and it's about how we use stones for grounding, tethering, rooting and materialization. And if you are somebody who Feels like you're scattered or somewhat out of your body, or ever since you had a shock or a trauma, you feel like you're scattered in different dimensions. We actually call it scattering of the key. Often when somebody has shock or trauma, if you feel like you've been hit, if you feel like you're not quite grounded, if you feel like you're not sleeping well, if you feel like you're waking up in the middle of the night, if you feel like you're unable to fall asleep, if you feel like you're unable to just be soft, rested, and grounded in your body and nervous system, or you know somebody who is like that, or you just want some tools to brighten up and freshen up some tools around, how do we really use stones for summoning spiritual energy back into physical form, or simply summoning parts of the soul or the spirit back into the body? How do we use stones for grounding? And I want to talk about this again at a first grade level, as an opening to a master class where I'm doing a special topics live online masterclass next week, actually.
Sarah Thomas 00:02:02 And that's going to happen next Thursday Night Live online. And if you're listening from the future, just contact us at Upper Clarity. Com and ask us where this class is. But if you're listening in present time join me for the Soul Retrieval Masterclass we're doing next week. We always do a special topics class twice a year where I just dive into how I do this. These special topics work with stones, and this is the first time we're really dedicating one to Soul Retrieval. So please come and get the full message next week of the Soul Retrieval Master class. And you can find that and all of our classes, whatever is ongoing. We have a lot of classes that change and move in and out because there's a lot of live classes. And so there's always going to be a class that you can jump into and join. That is right for you to learn more about stone medicine and crystal healing, no matter where you are. And all of that can be found at Upper Clarity Comm. So this is kind of like a runway into the Soul Retrieval master class.
Sarah Thomas 00:02:58 And I wanted to just lay some groundwork. And I think what I keep trying to do in life is share with you the theories and concepts and ideas behind why I work with the stones I do, and and why you might choose the stones that you do, so that we're not just needing an outside teacher to tell us, well, these are the properties of this stones. You have to use that stone. But we understand the dynamics behind why we're choosing stones, so we can choose our own stones based on those dynamics. And I think that these underlying dynamics are often really common sense. And I want to talk that out with you today about these stones and how you might think about doing soul retrieval. So soul retrieval, spirit retrieval again, first grade level okay. This is first grade. People trained for years to do proper advanced soul retrieval work. So start with me on the ground floor here. It's a summoning. It's a calling back of the spirit or soul if it is landed in different timelines, realities, dimensions.
Sarah Thomas 00:04:02 you know, space lines, worlds. And I have to tell you all these other realities. They are much more real than you probably realize. These other worlds and dimensions, timelines are more real than the one that we're in in many ways. And I know that breaks the mind, and the mind doesn't comprehend that, and that's fine. But there are some really like I was going to say weird, but there's some really, I would just say potent real other realities all around us. And this work is the work of bringing the soul back into the consciousness in this body and this reality, so that we can work, live, be from a more whole version of ourselves, and feel a more completeness in our soul and our connection to who we are in the earth in this lifetime, with this name and this reality. So the basics of this is just summoning energy back. That's the basics. It's just how do we summon energy? Back stones are so important for this. I've had the most incredible soul retrieval experiences you all like.
Sarah Thomas 00:05:12 Honestly, some of the most inspiring things I have ever experienced in my own life were soul retrieval experiences. Some of them happen by accident, you know, or I did something and I didn't realize that was going to create soul retrieval. And then it did. And it's wondrous. Some of them happen by design. I consciously summon my soul back. and you probably have that experience where you can, you know, it can spontaneously happen, and a deep meditation or a ceremony or ritual or simply sitting by your fire outside, or laying down for a healing treatment. It can spontaneously happen that we feel these parts of us come back. And it also can be by design. But I have to tell you, it's been so inspiring for me when this has happened for me, sometimes with myself, sometimes facilitated, and there's always stones and crystals there. There's always stones and crystals involved. Why? You know, you guys, stones are the densest of all material forms on Earth. You know, all of the elements: air, fire, water.
Sarah Thomas 00:06:16 They all materialized. They all took that journey. All of the elements on the periodic table, zircon, carbon, they all materialize as you did, you know, as I did, as Fang did. My kitty behind me here is as my plant did, as my stones did. We all materialize. We all took that journey. Stones are the densest of material form. They have the most atoms packed into them. You know. They have the most information packed into them. They're the heaviest. So if anything's going to help you ground, anchor, tether back into material form, tether back into the body, tether back into present time, tether back just into this density that we're in that we call the third density. It's going to be stones because they have a resonance with bringing spiritual or intangible energy back into form, into material energy, into tangible energy. This is what they do. So I mean, they're also multidimensional antennas. You know, stones are multidimensional. They sense energy in other worlds, realities, dimensions and timelines.
Sarah Thomas 00:07:28 That's why we have crystals in our pineal glands. They sense all of this energy. So you've got this multidimensional antenna inside of you, in your pineal gland, in the crystals throughout the rest of your body. Your cerebral spinal fluid is, you know, the wonders of that are going to be revealed so much over the coming years of what that's doing is a material antenna and the crystalline nature of that. and then the crystals inside us are working to actually sense all of this information in these other worlds, and they can actually bring that and conduct it back into material form. So, you know, the possibilities of crystals are just profound. And they've always been there with me in soul retrieval. And so if you do so, retrieval, if you're an energy healer, if you're another healer, if you're just the healer of your household, if you're somebody that wants to do this with yourself, I really recommend bringing stones and crystals into this. You don't have to have a really great knowledge of it.
Sarah Thomas 00:08:26 Honestly. You can have something as simple as putting two smoky quartz in the hands of the person that you're summoning the soul back with. that you're summoning the spirit back into the body that works. That's simple. And I'm just going to talk to you about why a little bit today. These are the dynamics of, you know, the teach a man to fish thing. Here's the basics and the understanding of this. You know, stones are the most dense. So they materialize energy, right? They're also the most yin. And there's yin is like dark, heavy yang is like bright light, clear spaciousness. Yin is receiving, Yang is active or giving or broadcasting, and stones are the most yet. I mean, they live within the earth. They live in the darkness of the earth, and down there they receive a lot of energy too. It's kind of like dark stones down in a valley where a river's flowing. When you're the lowest and the most yin and the most receptive, you receive a lot of energy information.
Sarah Thomas 00:09:30 It all just flows to you. Everything flows to us. So it's like the more that we can just open to receive and be open to miracles, wonderment, all of this energy around us, the more that that will come to us. So a lot of the work here is just about receiving and opening. To receive stones are the most yin and water is also very yin, right? Water can be very low and deep and dark and and travel downward. And water is very in. I think it's interesting that, you know, stones and water, the two most yin And elements are also the ones that have the most memory. It's like what? What is the most yin and the most receptive is receiving all of that information. So stones are dense, stones are very yin. And I want to, before I talk about how you just suss this out and choosing stones in this work and grounding and soul retrieval. I want to read you this quick quote by Ted Capture. He's the author of The web that has no weaver.
Sarah Thomas 00:10:33 He's a brilliant mind and in the Dao and Chinese medicine. And he said components of the universe that Chi of plants, animals, stones, acupuncture points or our living environment share a resonating frequency that already exists in a person. A medicine like this can resonate with the condition within the person and induce a person towards health. Chee is the cosmic breath that unites these disparate forms. She is the cosmic breath that unites these resonant energies and that. What does that say? That's telling us it's our relationship with it. It's the life in our hearts. It's the life inside of that come into resonance together and then create alchemy and change. That resonance creates an exchange of information, and the person right can be reminded. It can be like pinging vibrationally in its new path of growth, or the next alchemy, the next change. And so he's saying that stones, you know, crystals, animal parts, plants, they have their own frequency that already exists inside of a person. And if you bring that frequency up to this person, those two can actually awaken each other and start to resonate together and exchange information together.
Sarah Thomas 00:12:04 and she is the cosmic breath that unites these disparate forms. She is relationship. She is the love. She is the life inside you and that form. And that's what awakens. That's what creates communion and resonance. And that's how these medicines, like plants and stones, can create change and healing. So I love that as we walk into, you know, why would a yin stone really create yin for a person? Well that's why would a yin stone really help a person receive energy back into their body? That's why. And so with Yin, you guys, Yin is dark. It's dark stones, right? So what is the darkest quartz? It's a smoky quartz. A dark, smoky quartz. A real, real, not heat treated or irradiated. Get. Get a natural dark, smoky quartz and just place those in the hands of the person, or get a big one and place it at the feet of the person. When you're doing the summoning work. What is the darkest Jasper? What is the darkest agate? So think of dark stones, and when you bring them into the work, see if you can create resonance through that.
Sarah Thomas 00:13:11 Yin. Right. Because yin is just simply dark. Yin is also cloudy stones. So if you have a quartz sphere or a quartz crystal that has a lot of cloudiness in it, that's more yin than a completely clear crystal. So when you see cloudiness inside a stone, or if you have a crystal that has a lot of, you know, inner whiteness and cloudiness inside it. I have one right here, but I don't think it's, I was going to hold it up. It's not the best example. Let me hold it up. Anyway, for those of you listening, I'm holding up a little crystal that has some cloudiness in the bottom. Yeah, you can see some of the cloudiness there. So cloudiness is also yin. So darkness and cloudiness you think of like that is yin. So if you have cloudy crystals they'll also bring yin into the picture and hope you get some of that yin energy. So also your what is yin are stones in nature that are actually in yin landscapes or magnetic landscapes.
Sarah Thomas 00:14:10 There's a place here that's like a magnetic grid of energy, which is yin. Magnetism is yin, and it's all these streams and all this dark soil is there. It's like this forest area with all this darkness. And so it's kind of at the base of a mountain, that area we call that like a magnetic grid. And stones from that place hold that yin energy. They hold that magnetism at the base of Mount Shasta. Well, not the base of it, but nearby Mount Shasta. There is a place, you know, Mount Shasta is very electrical. It's very young. And there's a place by Mount Shasta that is these deep waters and like running forests of these dark pools of water flowing. And people say that that is the counterpart to Mount Shasta. That is the yin to the yang and Mount Shasta, the female to the male Mount Shasta. And they work together. And I went down there and I had to go down all these banks. And it's like, you feel like you're falling down hillsides to get down to this deep, dark fern deep plant.
Sarah Thomas 00:15:11 Water's rushing dark. It's just such yin. You just feel like you're in the womb when you're down there. So a stone from a place like that would also be a stone that would hold that yin energy that would receive. So that could be, you know, your master stone for grounding. And of course, you know, if you ever do take a stone from nature, really ask and really make sure you get a clear yes and really leave some offerings, because that's a big destiny moment for that stone, and you might even work with it and get a yes and then take it back. or you might work with it for a while, so. But just be sure you ask in places like that. But those are places that you can also get yin stones and think about what stones really bring. Yin. I'm just going to move on to talk about density too. So stones with a lot of density will be really good in soul retrieval. Summoning energy. They're really good for grounding and bringing, bringing the body down into materiality and bringing the spirit back into the body.
Sarah Thomas 00:16:12 So stones with a lot of density include Fallot. Actually, the beret that grows on Valerie, which some of you may have from us, has a lot of density to it too. So density is just like how much atoms and information are packed into a small space. Osmium has the most density on the periodic table, but you're not going to have a piece of that. But the more dense it is, the more it's going to bring energy back into the body, into materiality. So like gold has a lot of density, right? So it's a really good stone for this. Silver has a lot of density. It's a really good stone for this. Metals like silver and gold with a lot of density are really good for this too. Just because the way that metals work, there's a wholeness and coherence inside metals that, particularly, creates wholeness. And then those two dense ones, silver and gold are great. And then if you think about like garnet has a lot of density, Hematite has a lot of density.
Sarah Thomas 00:17:07 And if you start to kind of match these things up. So what's dense and also dark? You also want to think about stones that do have crystal structure. They're going to be a little bit more able to materialize energy back into form, then an amorphous stone in general. Right? So that's why I'm not naming Opal, even though it's a very yin stone. It doesn't have a crystal structure. And there's something about crystal structure that creates this refinement into materialization that's really good for helping the spirit, you know, find that structure and come back into form. So the other thing about this whole thing is it's like seek out things that ground and what creates ground and what creates a tether, what creates a cord. You know what that all is we're saying, how do we find stability, tethers, cords, grounding. They're just things that find stability. And stability is the earth of all the elements of all the, you know, the resonant information here in this world that we live in, the Earth provides the most stability.
Sarah Thomas 00:18:07 There's a lot of power in that. So what? Stones connect us back into the earth. Stones that are yellow, gold, honey colored dark browns. These are all stones that resonate with the earth just through color vibration. Stones that have a cubic crystal structure generally resonate with a lot of stability. So, you know, a stone like pyrite is gold and has a cubic crystal structure. A stone, like gold is gold and has a cubic crystal structure. So these stones, if you can bring them in and what you would do, you know, you're probably not going to have a huge piece of gold, right? You're not you're not going to be able to maybe get the weight of that. But what I would do is take a big piece of quartz and I would place maybe a big piece of smoky quartz. Ooh, this combination is like totally fire for me. I would take a big piece of wood and place that gold right on that to amplify that and have that at the base of their feet or in their hands or, you know, the navel is a very like center and grounding, tethering place, the areas around the naval are very stable.
Sarah Thomas 00:19:09 Earth, right. The center of the body brings a lot of stability. So you also just want to think about stones that create those grounding energies. And that is a little bit of how that works. And gosh, you know what else has a lot of density to it is diamond. Diamond has a lot of density to it. And it has a lot of ability to connect in with this kind of work too. So the foundations you'll that's that's the foundations of receiving spirit. You know, when the spirit is shocked, traumatized. It's scattered. It needs that nest for all those spirits to fly back into. And just like Ted said, it's like you already have that nest within you. You already have that resonant frequency of grounded nest embodiment presence coming back home within you. It's just that these elements can, you know, awaken that inside of you can begin to resonate with it and can turn that on inside of you again. So density grounding Yin. These are stones and crystals that will be pivotal in this work.
Sarah Thomas 00:20:25 And so I hope that that helps you get a sense of, you know, what you want to put in the hands of somebody the next time you're summoning spirit back after a trauma or what you want to put at their feet, or what you want to put at their belly, or how you want to give the spirits a place to land. How you want to give the intangibles, a place to become tangible, and how you want to bring this person back into their body. So I hope to see you next week for the Soul Retrieval Master class and wherever you are in time, join me for the next class. thank you all so much for listening to episode 36. It was a perfect number for this episode. We'll get into that more soon as well. So take care everybody. Love you. See you in the next episode.