e34. Secrets of the Solar Plexus and Tailbone in Reclaiming Power in Trauma, Abuse, or Addiction

This week’s podcast episode is a grounded and practical lesson in sovereignty. 

It’s all about how we can help ourselves and others reclaim our power after abuse, trauma, addiction and more.

Check this out. In episode 34 I’ll talk about:

🟡 The solar plexus and its relationship to energy that’s in our field, siphoning from our power, or attached to us

🦴 The tailbone and its relationship to power, clear boundaries and healthy control of our lives

🔋 How these two power generation centers are related! This is amazing!

💎 What stones and elements on the periodic table grasp and generate personal power

This episode gives you a rough 2-step protocol for working with these stones and energy centers when you’re facing trauma, abuse, possession, addiction and more.

p.s. This episode gave me a chance to runway some of what I’ll be sharing next week in our free training on Thursday evening, Secrets of the Rainbow Crystalline Grid

>>> Sign up for the free class here. We only do this twice a year, so join me.