Sarah Thomas (00:00.622)
Well, hello and welcome to episode 29 of the Crystal Clarity podcast. My name is Sarah Thomas and I'm hosting from an entirely new location for the first time. If you're watching, you can see this beautiful landscape behind me. There's water and giant trees and I'm spending time in a place that I spend time with often over the past two or three years off an island off South Carolina. So from the waters and seas and all the beauty, beautiful chirping birds, we all say hello.
and welcome to this big episode about...
what makes a good stone, what makes a powerful stone. And I really look forward to talking with you about this because I hope that it will help you pick out stones. I hope that it'll help guide you to pick out stones that really work well for you in your efforts. And because I'm a healer, you
what makes a good stone is gonna come from that perspective because to me a good stone is something that helps me with chi, it helps me move energy, it helps me in this dimension and then it helps me open portals to other dimensions so that energy can travel in between this and other worlds and that is part of my job too and maybe part of yours. So when I'm looking for a good crystal I'm looking for something
that's really gonna help me as a healer. So I come from that perspective, but I think that what I talk about today is gonna help you, even if you're not a healer, if you use stones for some other reason, I feel like we're all gonna end up on the same page by the end. We're all gonna end up in coherence by the end of this little talk. you know, there's a lot of things that make a stone a good stone, and I'm really going to, you know, open up that word for you so you know what I mean when I say good.
Sarah Thomas (01:58.07)
In the Andes, know, a lot of my mentors actually like in travels and stuff have been involved with the mystical lineages out of Peru. And boy do they know how to work with stones. Stones are absolutely alchemical powerhouses for them and primary tools for the shamans and the Karo people of that area. And they work with them very intuitively and very closely. And there is a teaching in the Andes that you can have a stone in your bundle.
that has a thousand times higher consciousness than you do. And that is generally the central stone in your bundle. And it is, you know, when I heard that, I was like blown away, like, wow, this stone has a thousand. I have one, you know, I have one in my bundle and it's amazing to like adapt even to that teaching, to walk with that teaching and be with it. Think about having a stone that has a thousand times higher consciousness than you.
And why not? Right? I mean, stones are living things. And although they're quite different from us, it doesn't mean that they can't be alive. It doesn't mean that they can't have consciousness. And why not have a higher consciousness than us? And I'm going to talk to you about what I even mean by consciousness, too. So we can unpack this. But this stone in the bundle that has a thousand times higher consciousness than.
then the practitioner, you the hope is that our consciousness raises because we're around it, that our level of awakening goes up just by being around it. It's like becoming entrained to its consciousness. And this stone can, it has connections. That's one of the biggest things about this higher consciousness stone is that it has other worldly and worldly connections. It's very, very connected. So it can go to other planes and lokas and dimensions and realities, has so many friends
that it can call upon so many spirit doctors. I mean, so many things that it can pull together for us, so much miraculous healing work that it can do. And in these traditions, when the people have a deep connection with their central stone, they can perform miracles with that stone. And my teacher tells me a story of someone having an accident on the road and people on the verge of dying. And her teacher got out with his central stone.
Sarah Thomas (04:21.186)
worked with it to call all of the connections and do all of the work and ended up healing those people in the accident or at least keeping them going. And they had really good outcomes with that. So this is a very important stone. And just to start out by thinking about just even to have that thought, like there's a stone that has a thousand times higher consciousness than myself and just kind of explore that, you know, and in Taoism, know, there are stones are seen as alive as well, and they're seen as spiritually evolving.
just like us. you know, what is evolving? Consciousness is evolving. When you see, when you hear the word evolving, think of consciousness immediately. When you hear the word consciousness, think of the word evolving, because that's what consciousness does. It's the yang aspect of reality, and it spirals out and moves and grows, and it's ever evolving and ever becoming. And in Taoism, they see stones as awake, alive, and spiritually evolving, right? And even though they're very different life forms from us,
they too are on a spiritual path and that is profound to think about. And if something's evolving, then that means it also has a soul. And if something has a soul, right, it's something that has a destiny, it's something that has a purpose. So stones too also have this path. And if we see a stone come out of the earth, whether it's harvested or...
some kind of natural process happens that is seen as part of its path to make its way from darkness into light. And we as Taoists try not to, you know, take away that stone's journey by saying it's good, bad, right or wrong. It's just part of the stone's path because it's also spiritually evolving. So we're kind of more like witness, like look at, look at what this stone is doing. also has a path to follow. We don't judge it as much, you know.
So in Taoism and even in China today, some stones are seen as higher spiritual evolved, like the most spiritually evolved stone. One of them in China is Jade. It's the most spiritually evolved. So it's like further along its spiritual path. And there's a bunch of stones that lead up to that path and are on that path and working on it.
Sarah Thomas (06:36.44)
There's a whole line of stones that are known to be spiritually evolving and working their way up to the consciousness that Jade holds. So, man, if stones have a destiny and they're also evolving, I want to talk about that as a, because that is how I'm tuned in to thinking about what makes a good stone. And that's because, so what you'll hear me say a lot is I'll say a stone is highly alchemically evolved.
It's highly alchemically evolved. And that's me saying this is a good stone. And I bet people are like, do you mean highly alchemically evolved? Well, highly alchemically evolved means that it's gone through all of these alchemical processes, just like you, right? And it's the alchemical initiations that we go through that move us on our path, that awaken us, that keep evolving us in consciousness. And highly alchemically evolved, we could also call it highly spiritually evolved.
You can almost interchange those terms, like highly alchemically evolved, it's it's gone through a lot of transformation, and highly spiritually evolved, like it's gone through a lot of transformation and change. It's working its way through that path. And the hard things and the challenges that we go through are things that actually just show us more about our path and help us to become who we are even more. They're not seen as bad or wrong. So, you
If I'm saying a stone is highly alchemically evolved, what I am saying is this stone has been on the path for a long time and it is likely has a higher level of consciousness than me or a higher level of consciousness than you. It's like something that's that we look to it like an old Yoda. It's like an old ancient wise being. And the hope is that by being around that, our consciousness can become a train to it and maybe even come into resonance
And it's always going to be some level of resonance or some level of information exchange. But if we can really like rise up and learn from it be the student of it, we can have our own consciousness level rise by being around it. And to me, that's a good stone as a healer because I want stones around me that can do the work better than I can and call in spiritual guides and spirit doctors and open portals and pathways
Sarah Thomas (08:52.952)
you know, be humble and available and in integrity and awake and all of these things that lend to the healing process and support others and support myself. You know, it's, think the most important thing that we could possibly do as a human is to awaken our consciousness, is to continue to spiritually grow because when humanity awakens, all of the problems on this planet will automatically disappear.
Absolutely true. When humanity, because we're the only ones that see this place as bad, wrong, and we continue to see it as bad and wrong and broken, and we continue to perpetuate that because we're powerful collectively. When we see the world as a paradise, the world becomes a paradise. And so we have to awaken. It's very important for us to awaken. Now, I want to talk about...
what, like how I can tell if a stone is highly alchemically evolved. And because this goes beyond, you know, black and white, and it goes beyond binary thinking, I'm gonna try to tell this to you through a story. I was watching a podcast actually with comedians.
And somebody asked these two comedians, they said to the woman first, they were like, so what advice would you give yourself if you were, she's like in her seventies. And they said, what advice would you give yourself if you could go back and talk to yourself at 20 years old about how to be a good comedian, like, and how to really make it be a great comedian. And she said all this gobbledygook and she just kind of wasn't prepared for the question. So she said, Oh, I just say work really hard and do your best and all this stuff. And she wasn't really prepared. And then the.
the man got to answer and it was like he had really thought about this you know and so he had a much better answer I think he said that if I could go back and talk to myself in my 20s he was also in his 70s he said I would say that I've observed over all of these decades that the people who are really good comedians are people who are really just being themselves
Sarah Thomas (11:07.596)
and they have figured out a way to be authentic to who they are. And he said, sometimes those comedians are not the funniest ones. Sometimes they're not the most brilliant ones. Sometimes they're not the most popular ones, but they're always extremely interesting. And because they're so interesting to watch, you get drawn in, you get magnetically pulled, and they're always great comedians. And he said, so I would tell myself to go back
and be authentic to who I am and always just stay who I am no matter what influence is going to stay completely aligned to my true nature. And he said, I'm gonna tell you something too. I'm gonna tell you it's the hardest thing in the world to do and you're not gonna be able to do it. That's what he said. It's the hardest thing in the world to do and you're not gonna be able to do it. And I thought that was so wise because in those final statements, although there's some skepticism there,
it shows how big of a thing he knows that that is to be able to be authentic to ourselves and to be able to remain in our own true uniqueness and our own true nature as we go through this wild journey of life, especially working with an art form and all of these other influences of art and all of these things that we want to be and all of these ways that we want to succeed and the ways that we get molded and influenced like to
in our own true nature to stay true to ourselves is the hardest thing that we can do and he said and you're not going to be able to do it and do know what he described he described spiritual awakening
That is spiritual awakening. When we surrender to our true nature, when we surrender to who we are, and we finally stop trying to be anything, we stop trying to be someone else, we stop trying to strive, and we actually just surrender to who we are. And when we do that, we fall into our own uniqueness and we fall into our own authenticity. And that authenticity is
Sarah Thomas (13:21.278)
irresistible, completely magnetic. It will help you do anything that you want to do. And it will be solid truth from the position that you stand in. And like he said, it will always be interesting no matter what it is. It'll always be interesting. It always makes the greatest comedians. And I feel that is true that it makes the greatest artists. It makes the greatest people. And the funny thing about spiritual awakening, I've been around some beings in very, very high states of consciousness.
Particularly I'm thinking of a guide in India that I've sat with quite a bit. And she's so normal, know, she's so ordinary. It's so cool, but it's like there is no wastage of energy.
in her presence. She does not waste one molecule of energy. She is so who she is. What I mean by that, like she's just, she is so in the moment. She is so even just moving or sneezing or something. There's no wastage of energy, not one molecule because she's so herself. It's, just, she's so ordinary. it, you know, it becomes
It becomes perfection in complete ordinariness. So that's what he was describing. I feel like our path is to...
or it's just something to think about, right? Just something to kind of contemplate to be with is like, how do we surrender to our own true nature? You know, how do we just let ourselves be us even more every day and just become more ordinary? Just let ourselves be us. Now back to the stones. That's literally what I am sensing in stones when I say they are highly chemically evolved and I know I have to work with that stone. What I am sensing is that story that comedian told. I just couldn't
Sarah Thomas (15:23.084)
in any better way, that this stone has surrendered to its true nature.
It's not a black tourmaline and trying to be a little bit flora. It's not a black tourmaline and trying to little be a little bit felled spar. It's like completely surrendered to its uniqueness and completely surrendered to who it is and become holy who it is. with no need to be anything else, but exactly what it is. And in that there's this refinement and stones are all about this refinement and that refinement means there's no wastage of energy. You'll find that in
highly evolved beings, stones, there's no wasted of energy, just feel for that. Not one atom of energy gets wasted. There's a complete purity. And then what happens with that purity and that refinement when this stone just lets itself be who it is, is it becomes coherent. And that's really another thing that I'm feeling.
you're going to feel this coherence off a highly alchemically or highly spiritually evolved stone. And now the way that they make lasers, which are going to solve everything in the world. can embed information into lasers. Lasers are extremely important technology. And the way that they make them is they need a crystal to make a laser because it coheres the diffuse light into a very laser beam.
it makes it highly coherent. Crystals make things highly coherent. So we're in their domain, right? They're already the thing on earth that is here to teach the rest of us how to be highly coherent. But if you feel the feeling of a laser beam, like, okay, there's no wastage of energy, it's become completely coherent light. That's because of the crystal inside. So another example of coherence is, you know, we all know
Sarah Thomas (17:21.218)
that if you're driving around and you're trying to listen to the radio and you can have the radio not tuned in right and it's very fuzzy and you can hear four stations going on at once. And then you finally tune it and you get just one clear signal. That feeling of just getting that one clear signal, that's coherence. One clear signal. It's not trying to be any other station. It just allows itself to be itself.
And coherence is technically defined as something that integrates diverse elements. Integration is like very highly evolved itself, integration itself. So it integrates diverse elements and it's also something that's systematic. It's something that has some kind of order or system to it. And that's a crystal as well, right? A crystal is defined by something that has order atomically.
But that's coherence. It's integrative, it's systematic, and it's ordered. So the word coherence is what I am always tuning into. And the feeling behind that is that this crystal has surrendered to its true nature. And if it's a black tourmaline, man, it's giving black tourmaline. If it's a fluorite, it is giving fluorite, like the clearest radio station ever about fluorite. And this is why crystals are in our pineal gland, because we
supposed to be able to give out very coherent messages to the universe and also receive very coherent, ordered, integrated messages from the universe as well. And I know our mind, like the way that the ancient mind is set up is that it feels like 200 radio stations going on at the same time with a bunch of static. But we actually can cohere our field by working with our brain and our heart together, our right brain and our left brain together, integrating diverse elements and creating
systematic, ordered responses and approaches. Even breathing in a systematic way brings coherence because it's ordered. Wow. Now,
Sarah Thomas (19:32.736)
I've gone around the world for many years and I've gone to crystal and stone shows all around the world. I've gone to ancient sites all around the world. I've had great teachers that have shown me what an alchemically evolved stone is. I've been showing other students, know, like students and people what my take on that is. And the reason that we started the crystal clarity shop, the clarity crystal shop. Yeah. We changed the name clarity crystal shop.
We didn't change the name, but then we called the podcast Crystal Clarity. It's like a palindrome kind of, but the reason I started the shop and this is not a commercial for the shop. I promise I just wanted to get this message across that the shop is fine. It doesn't need a commercial, but the Clarity Crystal Shop, the reason I created that is because I was starting really to develop an understanding or our familiarity with what these evolved stones really are.
and how to seek them out and because
have a love for them and an honoring of them. I create our whole inventory based on stones that I feel are coherent and I will hold out on getting the most simple thing. Like we went for two years without calcite. This one kind of calcite that everybody loves and everybody buys because it's very inexpensive. We went for almost two years without it because I would not get it because I could not. Every calcite that I saw did not have the coherence that I wanted. So I'm
a stickler for all this. And that's why we have a shop so we can kind of present to the world like this is what this is what highly evolved stones look like and feel like they will help you in your healing and actually can raise your own level of consciousness. And that makes them available for students too. So students can go you can even just go look and be like, OK, because our inventory is something that that's what I'm always seeking.
Sarah Thomas (21:28.524)
And so the whole purpose of this episode is to say to you, I just hope that that helps you understand for this all time going forward, what I mean when I say we have good stones or we have highly alchemically evolved stones. And I hope that next time you're in the crystal shop.
That you you're just like yeah that that made sense to me or there's something that I could take forward here and be like, okay This stone is surrendered to its true nature It's actually spiritually evolving and you may be able to pick out ones that are even more spiritually evolved than you that have a Great sense of coherence to them and that will keep you spiritually evolving help your patients heal and bring in all kind of Miracles, I witness miracles all the time
Alright, well, thank you for coming. I hope that helps. I don't know what I'm gonna title this episode, but I'm gonna go back and title it now, and I will see you all in the next episode. Thank you so much. I hope that helps you. See you soon.