Download Your Free Flash Summary

If you’re a healer, meditator, intuitive, or connoisseur of the precious Earth powers held inside stones, you have to experience Euphoralite.

The Flash Summary gives you all of that information in a bite-sized package so you can retain key points and get started quickly!

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Euphoralite is a Healing Crystal Like No Other

*  Learn the healing properties of 9 different types of Euphoralite

*  Named Euphoralite because of the great peace and love that come over you when you slow down and tune into the stones

*  The stones from this sacred power spot outside of the Black Hills of South Dakota needed one special name because they contain a whole deposit of varied minerals such as tourmaline, garnet, lepidolite, quartz, mica and more

*  This flash summary ⚡ is designed to make this knowledge short and sweet…so you can identify what type you need in your life and what types you might use to help others

Sarah Thomas, LAc

Founder and Lead Instructor at Upper Clarity Stone Medicine

Sarah Thomas, BS, MAc, LA, NCCAOM Dipl. is a healer, acupuncturist and educator with over fifteen years of clinical and academic experience with Daoist stone medicine.

Sarah owns Clarity Acupuncture in Asheville, NC, where she has performed over 10,000 acupuncture and crystal hybrid treatments, and offered countless soul-touching stone placements, formulas, and ritual prescriptions with stones.

Sarah's own Dao is to resurrect the vast knowledge and uncharted potentials of healing and awakening with stones. Sarah founded the Upper Clarity School of Stone Medicine so people just like you can experience a giant evolutionary leap in healing and awakening with stones. And then, lead the way forward.

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Learn the healing properties of 9 different types of Euphoralite 

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