Temple of Stone

Professional Certification in Crystal Healing & Stone Medicine

Embark on a comprehensive online certification program that delves deep into the healing properties of 27 carefully selected stones. Through live interactive sessions, you'll master the art of crystal healing and stone medicine, learning to create powerful healing rituals and therapeutic treatments.

This transformative course combines practical techniques with spiritual wisdom, allowing you to develop a profound connection with each stone's unique properties. As you progress through the program, you'll experience your own personal growth while developing the skills needed to become a certified stone medicine practitioner.

No prior experience is necessary—join us exactly where you are in your spiritual journey.


Check out our FREE workshops and masterclasses to support you on your learning path.


Discover our instant access self paced courses you can take at your own pace, on your own schedule.


Explore our Advanced Certification Courses delivered live, online in a group setting for a powerful learning experience.


Free Trainings

A 3-Step Path for Making Crystal Elixirs


Learn a 3-Step Path for making crystal elixirs that will be 100% safe and 100% effective for yourself + your kids, pets, family, garden, plants, community or clients.


Instant Access Classes and Trainings

Creating Clear Energetic Protections with Stones

NEW!! And 50% OFF Your Tuition!!!

If you create sacred spaces, sanctuaries for community, family, healing, creativity, ritual or awakening – this course is for you.

Our ancient ancestors knew that stones are the bridge between the physical and metaphysical worlds.

With these tools, you can create protection for yourself and your loved ones by creating high-frequency space with stones and crystals.


Making Stone Elixirs & Formularies

When you fall in love with a stone and you can’t put it down, there’s a way to open it inside if you. When you have an epiphany about the perfect stone formula to offer a friend or client, you must offer it with potency and safety. A giant in the field of stone medicine, the elixir application combines the record-keeping properties of crystals and water to create powerful vibrational medicine. It’s imperative to learn how to make elixirs safely. It’s also key to learn how to write formulas and use creative methods that offer true potency and results. This is a comprehensive guide for making pure vibrational medicine with ancient methods and plenty of inspiring stories.


Land Healing & Earth Gridwork

This training is a celebration of the vibrational application of stone medicine, which means placing stones around the body, such as in your yard or home. You’ll explore the deeper foundations behind arts like Feng-Shui, exploring them from a very personal perspective. You’ll gain the tools to support your living space, connect it to the heart of the Earth, and beyond to higher dimensional realities. You’ll be working with stones and crystals, drawings and holographic maps, and ancient scalar technology. You’ll even learn the most profound land-whispering divination practice so you can talk directly to the intelligence of your space.



Transmuting Entities with
The Cosmic Dragons of The One

In this course you will learn 2 body layouts you can activate with stones. These layouts are absolutely essential to healing and awakening because they transmute entities, purify the body and spirit, and clear possession. When the spirit is blocked by entities and attachments other treatments fall flat. You have to weed the garden before you plant flowers. Dragons are powerful allies and are summoned by the specific point grid you will activate. They do all of the transmutational work. These are truly ancient protocols and the most powerful work you may ever experience. It will make you believe in magic. It will set people free.


Stones for the 8 Extraordinary Meridians

This course offers a complete modality for soul-level healing. You’ll learn 8 simple body layouts that open the soul records of the individual. These records illuminate the deepest aspects of who we are calling forth ancestral, past-life, birth and childhood imprints, traumas and all other deep-seated programs. Stones are the perfect tool for this work because they resonate to the depths of our beings and the greater cycles of our existence. Your life as a soul-healer is not complete without the depth and poetry of the stones by your side. Experience healing at the roots, from which our entire experience manifests. All timelines and possibilities open.



Emotional Flow with Stones

Did you know that stones go soul-deep? They are potentially the deepest Earth medicine Nature created. And, did you know that COLOR goes to the level of the soul, as well? This makes the colorful mineral kingdom well-suited to touch us in our subconscious, deep programs, beliefs, conditioning, karmas, ancestry and genetics. In this course, you'll learn how color affects the deepest emotions - such as rage, anxiety, terror, and more - at their roots. This is all about becoming an emotional healer by understanding the vibrational power of the color of your stones.



Live Online Certification Courses

Temple of Stone

Professional Certification in Crystal Healing & Stone Medicine

Embark on a comprehensive online certification program that delves deep into the healing properties of 27 carefully selected stones. Through live interactive sessions, you'll master the art of crystal healing and stone medicine, learning to create powerful healing rituals and therapeutic treatments.

This transformative course combines practical techniques with spiritual wisdom, allowing you to develop a profound connection with each stone's unique properties. As you progress through the program, you'll experience your own personal growth while developing the skills needed to become a certified stone medicine practitioner.

No prior experience is necessary—join us exactly where you are in your spiritual journey.


Enter the Cave

Once a year in the Fall, you can become a certified stone medicine practitioner in a live online training. In Enter the Cave you’ll be immersed in a journey of your own personal transformation through the 27 stones you’ll learn in the course. You will experience ancient ritual and mystical practices and explore powerful applications like elixirs, body layouts and home placements. When the 9 weeks is complete, you’ll stand emergent from the cave as one of the most well-trained stone medicine and crystal healing practitioners on Earth.



Heart of the Goddess

This course offers a full multidimensional modality for healing and awakening with stones. It’s a protocol for working with stones as multidimensional spectrum-based beings. You’ll learn to contact the frequencies within the stones to offer energy work and healing at a distance. If you’ve ever heard of Plant Spirit Medicine, where the spirits of the plants are called upon to work energetically to heal, this is like Stone Soul Medicine. You’ll learn to offer life-changing treatment in person or electronically to anyone in the world. This is the moment where you leap off the cliff, lean into your intuition, and realize the many miracles that are possible.


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Live in-person events will be added here as they are scheduled.

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Check out our Course Comparison Chart below.

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Land Healing and Earth Gridwork

I was literally blown away with the learning and the way I was able to assimilate it. Infectious and motivational, and a vast array of knowledge, all the way through.. Holding space for this and allowing the principles to create miracles was priceless. Brilliant, amazing and as always such an honor to be guided back home by you Sarah.

- Ivana

Temple of Stone

The teachings in Temple of Stone almost defy words. This is a profound study that enhanced my practice, medicine and life at all levels. It transformed me and offered a gateway into new facets of being.

- Johnathan

Transmuting Entities with the Cosmic Dragons of the One

This course expanded my consciousness in a profound way. I am now using sacred geometry in my work and building relationships with my healing stones. This is ancient and rare knowledge and you can not find it on the internet! Right up my alley.

- C.M.

Stones for the 8 Extraordinary Meridians

I just started this course and it is mind-blowing! It is taking me to the next level of healing Self and others. The potentials for Soul Healing are enormous, sacred, and humbling. I am so grateful and so looking forward to this new chapter.

- Andrea

Enter the Cave

Enter the Cave changed my life. The stones became alive in me and I felt like I was remembering something I had once known and loved. I never would have believed that an online course could be so transformative.

- Jane

Making Stone Elixirs and Formularies

I'm beginning to feel a growing flame of purpose and direction that has too long been dormant. I"m really appreciating your skill, wisdom, and experience. It's very grounding. Thank you for these incredible teachings.

- F. F. 

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