Inspired Healer | Educator | Speaker

This is the crystal conversation you’ve been looking for.
Sparkling with rare ancient knowledge, Sarah's perspective will open your audience to a whole new dimension of healing and awakening with stone medicine.

Featured in the Shift Network as the first stone medicine teacher.


Bring crystal clarity to your podcasts, conferences, summits, events

and more.

Send us an email to explore booking Sarah for your unique audience or event.

We'll be in touch very soon.

I have never been so impressed and so moved by any teacher in my entire life.

-conference attendee

You have opened up a whole new world of possibility for me.

-upper clarity student

Sarah Thomas, MAc, LAc is an inspired healer and educator who owns Clarity Acupuncture in Asheville, NC.

Sarah could not be more different than the new-agey crystal healer you might be imagining.

She's the founder and lead instructor at the Upper Clarity School of Stone Medicine, which has served as a loving alchemical container for thousands of students across the world since 2013. Students gain full certifications as crystal healing and stone medicine practitioners with roots in ancient Daoist wisdom and spiritual practices.

Sarah’s own Dao is to resurrect the vast knowledge and uncharted potentials of healing and awakening with stones.

Sarah Thomas, LAc is based in Asheville, NC and absolutely loves sharing mega-popular stone medicine and crystal healing presentations at conferences, live workshops and group trainings (globally). Sarah also loves to share in virtual summits, podcast interviews, and guest expert features.

Expert topics we can explore: 


💎 There’s nothing more woo-woo that crystals to everyday people. When we go back to the origins of that phrase and reveal the true depth of stone medicine and crystal healing, a resurrection in understanding of this miraculous aspect of earth medicine can begin.

In a world where we face a crisis in which we no longer know what’s true or false in the outer world, we can completely regain internal knowing by returning to the truth about the wu.

đź’Ž Stone medicine is just like herbal medicine. There are over 5,500 known minerals with over 16 scientific classification for their use in healing, longevity and spiritual transcendence.

More than any other culture in history, the ancient Chinese Daoists preserved the wisdom of the properties of unique minerals for healing. This is Sarah's expertise and this knowledge and fascinating history has been forgotten and is now resurfacing.


💎 We don’t have to read channeled books anymore to gain insights on the properties of crystals and stones. Personal and direct connections with stones can be made through internal alchemy practices and simple techniques.

Stones are alive and can become living spiritual allies in your spiritual healing and ongoing contributions to those you heal and serve. It’s the most exciting magic on earth. 


đź’Ž Earth grids, ancient sites, the conduction and amplification of energy, and the crystal kingdom's power to absorb, store and transmit energy, frequency and vibration.


đź’Ž Specific stones have the unique properties to help us with energetic hygiene (like clearing ourselves), energetic defense (like protecting ourselves and our spaces), raising the vibration of our spaces (such as alter stones and Feng Shui placements), raise our level of consciousness (resonate with awakening), and many other specific topics in healing and awakening such as stones for trauma, stones for hormonal healing, stones for DNA repair and so much more. Let's embark on an exploration of the stones and crystals that fit into your own unique healing, self-development, or spiritual niche.

It’s time to remember.

Stones and crystals are the bridge between ordinary and non-ordinary realities. When they’re placed in your hands with sacredness and ancient knowledge, you can create transformations at the level of the Soul, accessing multiple dimensions and realities and unlocking your full potential.

This forgotten form of earth medicine is the doorway to higher consciousness.

Sarah’s key message: There time-tested powerful practices for healing and awakening that only stones and crystals have the unique properties to initiate. 

To fully experience them, one has to take the path of the shaman or wu, moving from the known to the unknown. As we cross that bridge, we encounter the miracles the Earth has been waiting for us to rediscover. 

There’s no one better to guide true seekers on this crystalline path than Sarah.

Fast Facts!


is an acupuncturist and stone medicine practitioner. She has performed well over 10,000 stone/needle hybrid treatments since 2008!

has trained over 8,000 students through Upper Clarity School of Stone Medicine since 2013.

has certified over 1000 stone medicine practitioners through extensive programs.

has trained under beloved master teachers including Jyoti Ma, Marna Whaleheart, Jeff Firewalker, Master Jeffrey Yuen, Bob Duggan, and more.

ongoingly embodies the rare trifecta of: extensive real clinical experience, trained educator, and devout student to beloved master teachers.

has written, designed and implemented over 44 original stone medicine and crystal healing courses and programs for learners. She has delivered this work at conferences all over the world and through online programs.


This podcast took my work with crystals and stones to a whole new dimension.

-podcast listener

Brilliant. Grounded information and the keys to growing our understanding of stone medicine.

-conference attendee

When you're ready for a grounded

(and magical)

conversation about stones and crystals,

talk with Sarah Thomas, LAc.

Send us an email and tell us about your unique audience or event.

We'll be in touch very soon.