Enter the Cave

Regular Price $2,997

Save 25% through September 22nd!

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Merge Ancient Knowledge with Your Awakening Heart and become one of the most well-trained stone medicine practitioners in the world.

When you enroll in Enter The Cave you receive:

✓ Over 18 inspiring live classes
✓ Over 18 take-at-your-own pace stone medicine classes
✓ A full training in a 27-stone materia medica
✓ All of the rituals
✓ All of the protocols
✓ The accompanying PDFs
✓ The video and audio replays for life
✓ A COMPLETE personal transformation through an ancient ceremonial progression -and you become one of the most knowledgeable certified stone medicine practitioners on Earth.


✓ FREE Access to our Winter Masterclass ($220 value) >>> THIS BONUS EXPIRES ON SEPTEMBER 22nd

✓ 10% off ALL Enter The Cave stones in our crystal shop for over 9 weeks (value varies)
We gathered this stunning collection specifically for this new 2024 class.

✓  Becoming a Healer ($575 value)

 A live class with Sarah just as you're about to graduate- all about the practical and spiritual path ahead as a certified practitioner

✓  Stone Medicine Fundamentals ($575 value)

 A live training for certification students only that opens your eyes to the heart and foundation of these ancient practices

✓ Secrets of The Rainbow Crystalline Grid Masterclass Recording ($220 value)
 The replay of this masterclass and digital support materials to keep for life

✓ Private Community Group for this Training (value: priceless!)
You can pop into Mighty Networks and connect with your new classmates from around the world. In an easy, non-obtrusive format, you'll be able to ask questions, be inspired, share your experiences, and feel connection

✓ 30 CEUs from the National Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)

✓ Personal Document of Stone Medicine Certification
When you graduate, you'll receive a wall certificate of your new credentials for your home or office.

That's over $21,590 in value!
...plus some priceless connections!

One Time Investment of $2,247